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M.R. Asks 3 Questions: Matt Gorniak, CEO, Threekit Visual Commerce

By January 13, 2023Article

There’s a new age of B2B Growth and it’s all about the product experience and CEO of Threekit Visual, Matt Gorniak, is at the forefront of this era.

Matt’s expertise comes from co-founding G2, cloud pioneers such as BigMachines (acquired by Oracle), SteelBrick (acquired by Salesforce and now Salesforce CPQ) and now, Threekit Visual. 

Here is what Matt and his teams are seeing as they usher in a new age of B2B growth. 

M.R. Rangaswami: Why is it the new age of B2B Growth?

Matt Gorniak: The best way to view the world of B2B Commerce is in 3 stages.

First, it was a world of spreadsheets and lots of manual processes. 

Second, where most B2B companies are today – a world built around making it easier for the seller to sell. Tools like CRM, CPQ, ERP etc. make sales processes faster and more efficient for the seller. 

Third is the new age of B2B where new kings will be crowned. Today it’s not about just making it easier for sellers to sell. What’s changed is that now it’s about making it easy for buyers to buy. 

B2B winners will make it easy for customers to buy on their terms. They will show more or their product and deliver amazing, seamless, and efficient product experiences that keep their customers coming back. 

M.R.: You mention moving from the age of “Seller to Buyer” – why is that important?

Matt: It has been said but it bears repeating: everyone – and I mean everyone – wants to have an easier buying experience. B2B buyers really do want self-service as much as possible whether buying bulk gift cards or a forklift. 

To complete a sale today most B2B companies need a salesperson to collect criteria, create a quote, send samples, do renderings and more.

To compete and win in the future B2B companies will have a tool that allows buyers to configure, price, and visualize a product in real time.

Buyers want to be able to literally see the product, be able to configure it, and get served up all the relevant pricing, quoting, delivery information. And they want it easily accessible, 24/7; with all of the product and customer rules baked in. 

M.R.: How Does Threekit Visual Commerce help B2B brands level up to the new age of B2B Growth?

Matt: Threekit creates a magical product experience for you buyers. Let buyers visually configure your product with a platform fully integrated with your tech stack 

It works by taking your product catalog and rules and mapping that onto 3D assets. The platform delivers visual configuration in 3D, 2D, and AR so that customers can configure, build, and buy 24/7. 

Threekit integrates with all of your systems like CPQ, eCommerce, and ERP – so buyers get an accurate price, delivery estimate, and other key information in real time. You can also syndicate the experience to distributors and resellers so they can sell more on your behalf.

The future of B2B is different – it’s about the buyer. The new age of B2B winners will be the manufacturers that create a product experience which gives the buyer an accurate visual configuration along with all of the necessary information to buy now. 

M.R. Rangaswami is the Co-Founder of