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SaaS Financial Impact Research Report: The Impact of a Pandemic on B2B SaaS Companies

By May 7, 2020Article, Reports

Between April 10 – April 30, 2020, RevOps Squared partnered with SandHill Group to conduct research that includes data from 210 participants.
The goal was to understand how financial planning and 2020 forecasts within the SaaS industry have been impacted by the pandemic. All data was collected, aggregated, and anonymized to protect the confidentiality of all participants. For all cohorts that did not include statistically relevant data, we excluded those from the cohort analysis.


2020 Financial Plan Impact – By Company Size

  • Smaller Companies (< $5M ARR) forecasting much higher impact on every quarter in 2020
  • > $50M ARR companies forecasting lower than industry average impact
  • > $50M ARR forecast a 10% or less impact on Q3 & Q4 Financial Plan
  • > $250M ARR companies did not have enough data for statistical significance

New ARR Impact – by ACV

  • New ARR forecast down an average 46% across Q2 – Q4
  • Each quarter showing an average 8% decreased negative impact on New ARR
  • $100K – $250K ACV shows lowest impact on New ARR across all quarters
  • > $250K ACV is forecasted to perform lower vs average across all 3 quarters
  • $10K – $25K ACV is forecasted to perform better “on average” across all 3 quarters – LESS FRICTION?

To read the full report summary, click here: 

Sandhill Research Executive Briefing Report_5_06_20 (PUBLISHED)

Link to the full report, here: