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A Quick Q&A with Mitchell Levy: Global Credibility Expert and Marshall Goldsmith Executive Coach

By July 25, 2024August 9th, 2024Article

Mitchell Levy is a 2x TEDx speaker, Global Credibility Expert, and Executive Coach who has helped over 1,000 corporations and individuals define themselves succinctly in fewer than 10 words. He emphasizes the importance of clarity in building credibility and trust, guiding clients to articulate their purpose and value clearly.

If 98% of individuals and companies lack clarity, we hope sharing Mitchell’s insights with his simple and powerful approach.

M.R. Rangaswami: Can you explain how clarity impacts credibility and why it is essential for building trust?

Mitchell Levy: Clarity is a cornerstone of credibility because it ensures that your message is understood and your intentions are transparent. When you communicate with clarity, you reduce misunderstandings and build trust, as people can easily grasp what you stand for and what you offer. In my experience, credibility is fundamentally about being known, liked, and trusted. Clarity facilitates this by allowing others to clearly see who you are, what you do, and why you do it, which helps in establishing trust and likability.

Without clarity, your message can become muddled, leading to confusion and skepticism. People are more likely to trust and engage with individuals and organizations that articulate their purpose and value succinctly and transparently. Therefore, clarity is essential for building trust and fostering credible relationships​​.

M.R.: In your experience, what are the most common barriers to achieving clarity, and how can individuals overcome them?

Mitchell: The most common barriers to achieving clarity include:

  1. Overcomplexity: People often overcomplicate their messages, believing that more information equals better understanding. In reality, simplicity and brevity are key to clarity.
  2. Lack of Focus: Not having a clear focus or trying to address too many points at once can dilute your message.
  3. Internal Noise: Personal biases, assumptions, and lack of self-awareness can cloud your ability to communicate clearly.

To overcome these barriers, one can:

  1. Simplify Their Message: Focus on the core message you want to convey. Remove unnecessary details and use simple, straightforward language.
  2. Know Their Audience: Understand who you are communicating with and tailor your message to their needs and level of understanding.
  3. Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback to ensure your message is being understood as intended. This helps identify areas where clarity may be lacking.
  4. Practice Consistency: Be consistent in your messaging across all platforms and interactions to reinforce your clarity and credibility.

By addressing these barriers, individuals and corporations can significantly enhance their clarity, leading to greater credibility and effectiveness in their personal and professional interactions​​.

M.R.: Can you share a success story where gaining clarity significantly transformed an individual’s or organization’s credibility and effectiveness?

Mitchell: One notable success story involves a client who was struggling to articulate their value proposition clearly. This individual was a highly skilled professional with a wealth of experience, but their message was lost in a sea of jargon and overly complex explanations. We worked together to define their CPoP (Customer Point of Possibilities), which is a succinct statement of the primary problem they solve for their clients.

Through a single clarity coaching session, we distilled their message into a clear, concise CPoP that immediately resonated with their target audience. As a result, they experienced a significant transformation in their business. Their improved clarity not only made their value proposition more compelling but also boosted their credibility. Prospective clients found it easier to understand what they offered and why it was valuable, leading to increased trust and a higher conversion rate.

This transformation underscores the power of clarity in enhancing credibility and effectiveness. When you can clearly articulate who you are, whom you serve, and the specific problems you solve, you position yourself as a credible, trustworthy expert in your field​​.

M.R. Rangaswami is the Co-Founder of