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Notable quotes involving Apple, Facebook, Accenture and others in the software ecosystem

By April 28, 2012Uncategorized

“I’m really tired of living in a tech world where everyone just defaults to Apple’s single offering as if nothing else exists, so I welcome Microsoft’s assault this year to finally bring some new competition to the mobile space and a fresh reboot on the desktop as well.”
Otosnede, a commenter on a VentureBeat article
“Cloud is about building a service rather than building the ingredients. It has a lot of the elements of traditional outsourcing. I don’t think there’s actually much new technology, it’s just a different way of thinking and commercializing.”
Andrew Greenway, global cloud lead, Accenture
“By the time an organization buys its sixth or eighth SaaS application, it’s in trouble. … The more SaaS applications that an organization starts to adopt, the more they start to see security weaknesses crop up.”
Jackie Gilbert, vice president and co-founder, SailPoint
“I think 90 percent of that battle [branding] is making sure that you truly have that great cause. What causes that ‘nauseation’ is when you are promoting something that is crap. I don’t think Steve Jobs nauseated people when talking about how great Apple stuff was. The reason why he didn’t nauseate people is because it was true. The start of all great marketing is to have a great product.”
Guy Kawasaki, bestselling author and founder of
“You would have said that [an unstoppable advertising juggernaut] about Yahoo maybe 12 years ago; you would have said that about Google a few years ago. I think they [Facebook] are incredibly powerful, and still have a lot of headroom to grow. They may be the largest display advertiser (in impressions), but their percentage of inventory viewed versus the advertising sales is still rather small, so they still have a lot more monetization to go.”
Tom Bedecarré, CEO of AKQA