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Notable quotes from Mrk Hurd, Marc Andreessen, Clayton Christensen and others in the software industry ecosystem

By June 29, 2014Uncategorized

Make no mistake we’re laser-focused on being No. 1 in the cloud. — Mark Hurd, co-president, Oracle

What never gets discussed in all of this robot fear-mongering is that the current technology revolution has put the means of production within everyone’s grasp. It comes in the form of the smartphone (and tablet and PC) with a mobile broadband connection to the Internet. Practically everyone on the planet will be equipped with that minimum spec by 2020. … it is hard to believe that the result will not be a widespread global unleashing of creativity, productivity, and human potential. — Marc Andreessen, co-founder and general partner, Andreessen Horowitz

It’s not that we’re [American businesses] not creative. But the way we measure success has actually broken the system. It has caused us to do exactly what we don’t want to do, which was to invest more and more of our energy in creating free cash flow. So now, in America, amongst publicly traded companies, there is $1.5 trillion in capital on the balance sheet of public companies. The cost of capital is very close to zero. But they can’t invest.” — Clayton Christensen, who coined the term “disruptive innovation,” teaches at Harvard Business School and author of “The Capitalist’s Dilemma”

Many customers see the convergence of server, storage, and networking in integrated systems as a means to deliver IT efficiency and agility. IDC expects to see more workload-optimized systems come to market in the near-term. — Jed Scaramella, research director for enterprise servers at IDC

Incremental innovation delivers results as long as the industry structure remains stable,” the authors explain, “yet it can fail miserably when unexpected developments redefine an industry. — Professor Tony Davila of the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa at the University of Navarra in Spain and Professor Marc J. Epstein of the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University in Houston