“In our view, we believe an ultimate spin-off of AWS is inevitable due to its channel conflicts and the need to gain scale.”
– Tim Horan, analyst, Oppenheimer
“Only massive cost cutting by the following CEO Hurd kept HP alive, wiping out any remnants of innovation. Now HP has a dismal future. But it hopes that as the PC market shrinks the elimination of one competitor, Dell, will give newest CEO Whitman more time to somehow find something HP can do besides follow Dell into bankruptcy court.”
– Adam Hartung, author of “Create Marketplace Disruption” and managing partner of Spark Partners
“Companies that think they have an innovation problem don’t have an innovation problem. They have a leadership problem.”
– Karl Ronn, executive coach and entrepreneur, author of “The Little Black Book of Innovation”
“Although Mark Zuckerberg did not start what became Facebook until 2004, it bears a remarkable resemblance, both in terms of its functionality and technical implementation, to the personal Web page diary that van Der Meer had invented years earlier.”
– Court documents recently filed by Rembrandt Social Media against Facebook in lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Virginia
“Nairobi has emerged as a serious tech hub and may become the African leader.”
– Eric Schmidt, chairman, Google