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Notable quotes about Silicon Valley, Motorola, Oracle, and others in the software industry ecosystem

By March 3, 2013Uncategorized

“In many ways, the biggest tech companies in Silicon Valley now resemble entertainment companies more than technology companies.”
–          Dominic Basulto, blogger and former editor of Fortune’s Business Innovation Insider
“Motorola reminds me of the Apple of 1998, a pioneer in its market segment, engineering-driven, and ripe for innovation. I believe that great products can change everything.”
–          Guy Kawasaki, now advisor to Motorola and former Apple Evangelist
“I have never seen the software industry have so much fun as it is right now. Developers can tap into the work of other developers and help each other build applications that are rich, full, and enticing from Day One. We are collaborating and cooperating as never before and the result is Innovation with a capital I.”
–          Lorinda Brandon, director of solutions stratey, SmartBear Software
“It’s also important to understand that a good customer experience is dependent upon far more than technology. Any business can implement new software, but without a cultural shift and leadership commitment inside a company, it won’t create better experiences.”
–          David Vap, group VP, Oracle Applications
“We’re always looking for ways for people to create great video content, and we really feel like the GIF format overall really represents an interesting connecting tissue between what people typically think of as video and what people typically think of as still images.”
–          Kerry Trainor, CEO, Vimeo