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Notable quotes about Silicon Valley, Connect Cloud, Amazon, and others in the software ecosystem

By July 8, 2012Uncategorized

“The debut of Connect Cloud was quite frankly, a mess. … [Users don’t] want to be pushed into the nebulousness of the cloud without proper preparation, and in this case, they ended up pushing back against Connect Cloud’s launch.”
Samara Lynn, networking lead analyst and reviewer,
“New data from comScore this week showed more than half of U.S. mobile users downloaded apps during the three months ending in May. … What the report doesn’t emphasize is that the sizzle of rich media advertising typically comes at much a higher cost than standard mobile ads.”
Mark Walsh, MediaPost Communications
“The reason people don’t want to be in Silicon Valley is because while it’s awesome for the tech community, [and] is so deep in terms of people thinking about technology, that’s all there is, right? …[Y]ou get this variety of experience in New York that’s kind of lacking in Silicon Valley.”
Serkan Piantino, New York engineering head, Facebook
“There has been no other device that has changed social and technological life in such a short time. There has been nothing like it [the iPhone] in the world.”
Clifford Nass, Stanford University sociologist and psychologist
“Despite the terrible weather, had no legitimate excuse for the outage. After all, most other cloud providers in the area were able to continue service. Powerful storms are not exactly an uncommon phenomenon in the mid-Atlantic region, so the data center should have been designed and run accordingly. … [T]hese recent Amazon Web Services outages are unacceptable.”
David Linthicum, CTO and founder, Blue Mountain Labs, and recognized industry expert