“The slide toward an impulse society, thanks to big data and Amazon.com”
Google is working on drone deliveries too
IBM Rolls Out Watson as a Cloud Service
But the reality is that Jive has a perception problem in the market related to its status as a standalone social collaboration player. With the likes of Salesforce.com muscling in, the inevitable speculation circulates about whether Jive is now a prime takeover candidate. Unconfirmed scuttlebutt suggests that Oracle, SAP, and Workday have all been approached by Jive about a possible merger. — Stuart Lauchlan, tech journalist
[In the Internet of things, the address space expansion means] we could assign an IPv6 address to every atom on the surface of the earth, and still have enough addresses left to do another 100+ earths. — Steve Leibson, occasional docent at the Computer History MuseumThere are around 50 Irish companies in the Bay area and some of them are doing really well. The people who set up here are not just innovative, but they adapted the West Coast approach, where ambition is not a dirty word. Where back home, people may be afraid of sharing ideas for fear of being copied, here they know that sharing equals success. — Nick Marmion, manager of West & Southern US regions for Enterprise Ireland
In the oil and gas business, you need smart people and a whole lot of capital. By comparison, in the tech industry, all you need are smart people with access to a computer. — Craig Hodges, general manager for Gulf Coast district, Microsoft
Thomas Edison grew up in Michigan. So did [Google’s] Larry Page. Innovation must be in the water of the Great Lakes. We need to identify the next Larry Page and keep him here. —Doug Neal, Michigan native who sold his Silicon Valley-based company and returned to Michigan to help run eLab, a tech incubator
Over the past couple of years, I’ve seen a lot of technology companies recognize that there are only 3,000 true data scientists in the world. — John Myers, research director at analyst firm Enterprise Management Associates