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Notable quotes about Salesforce, AMD, Silicon Valley, and others in the software ecosystem

By October 21, 2012Uncategorized

“Every Marine is a rifleman. It means that everybody that goes through Marine training, whether you’re an admin clerk, or a sniper, or whatever you do, every one of you has to be able to pick up a weapon and defend, and I think that that’s what makes them so lethal. Why don’t we build networks that way?”
–       Mary Ann Davidson, Chief Security Officer, Oracle
“The best that can (and has been) said of this year – in terms of its innovation – is that it made a couple of interesting acquisitions: Radian 6 and Buddy Media. These now form’s marketing cloud. But since when did taking on extra pounds win you the world heavyweight championship?”
–       Haydn Shaughnessy, research fellow at the Center For Digital Transformation at UC Irvine
“Windows is irrelevant.”
–       Marc Benioff, CEO,
“We underestimated the speed of change in our industry. We expected we’d have several years to transform the AMD business, but we must implement our transformation on a more aggressive timeline.”
–       Rory Read, CEO, AMD
“More than two in five technology executives surveyed for KPMG’s Technology Innovation Survey 2012 believe Silicon Valley is on the way out as the global technology hub, in which a plurality of 44% expect China to replace it by 2016. . . .  Asia is leading the charge in mobile communications and commerce, skipping past the PC generation of the west.”
–       Article in The Times of India