“The other shoe has dropped on Microsoft’s recent Bing redesign, and it dropped right on Google.”
– Matt Rosoff, writer for “Business Insider”
“We missed it [cloud services such as Amazon Web Services].We have to get better.”
– Amit Singh, vice president of enterprise, Google
“Adobe should take care not to gouge on pricing for stand-alone application subscriptions, especially for those products that cannot be purchased under perpetual license. … [A]t the start of any voyage, the small details matter, so Adobe would do well to heed the potential dangers lying under the surface of its potential ocean of revenues.”
– Tim Siglin, contributing editor for StreamingMedia.com and Chairman of Braintrust Digital
“We recognize that we are not the first company to commit to carbon neutrality, but we are hopeful that our decision will encourage other companies large and small to look at what they can do to address this important issue.”
– Kevin Turner, COO, Microsoft
“One has to wonder whether Yahoo really wants to go down this path of being a patent troll. Perhaps it is contained to just their ongoing lawsuit with Facebook. I tend to doubt it though. If things don’t improve in other areas for Yahoo, their patent portfolio may be the only asset they have to keep them viable. Certainly there are stockholders looking to maximize their return who are already calling for more patent litigation.”
– Alan Shimel, NetworkWorld blogger