Intel needs mobile traction and needs it sooner rather than later. If they don’t win some major tablet and/or smartphone supply business in the next six months or so, their window into that market gets smaller. It’s high time for Intel’s huge investments in this area over the last handful of years to start paying off for shareholders. Or else it’ll be time to move on. — Cody Willard, writes “Revolution Investing” for MarketWatch
Clearly, the data center is becoming the most competitive battles in IT today and Oracle is one of the premier players in the data center. Oracle’s absence in the OpenStack Alliance was conspicuous. — Zeus Kerravala, principal analyst, ZK Research
I think that people self-limit. The number one thing is people should just keep trying, did you try yesterday? Did you try today? It takes a lot of mental exertion to innovate. — Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and commercial space exploration firm SpaceX
Only two people ever led this company [Microsoft], and they’re both sitting on the board of directors. The new person coming in is going to have a big challenge. Just, if they’re going to change the direction at all, it’s probably going to be contentious within that boardroom. — Steve Miller, chairman, AIG
Starting in 2014, the enterprise software markets will undergo their greatest level of disruptions, growth and new opportunities since the year 2000. — Tom Eid, research VP, Gartner