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Notable quotes about Instagram, Yahoo, Microsoft and others in the software industry ecosystem

By December 1, 2013Uncategorized

Earlier this year we asked you to move to Yahoo Mail for your corporate email account. 25% of you made the switch (thank you). But even if we used the most generous of grading curves (say, the one from organic chemistry), we have clearly failed in our goal to move our co-workers to Yahoo Mail. — from a communication to Yahoo employees from CIO Randy Roumillat and Jeff Bonforte, SVP of communications products

So, is the future bright for Microsoft? I believe it can be… if they choose well and find people who can help to not just change Microsoft, but to transform it from the inside out. — Daniel Burrus, founder and CEO, Burrus Research, and global futurist and bestselling author

For Apple, this case has always been about more than patents and money. While it’s impossible to put a price tag on those values, we are grateful to the jury for showing Samsung that copying has a cost. — Kristin Huguet, Apple spokeswoman

It’s never obvious whether to sell or hold. When Kevin [Systrom] sold Instagram, people said he was a genius, and now they’re asking whether he did it too early, and they’re saying Snapchat is so bold. Who was right? We don’t know yet. — Ben Horowitz, co-founder and general partner, Andreessen Horowitz and an early investor in Instagram

[B]uilding solar farms and a fuel cell farm next to a data center could be the surest way to add clean power in a way that can be validated and seen by the public. It seems like Apple execs thought if they were going to commit to the whole idea of clean energy, it was going to be all the way. The effects of the clean energy projects on Apple’s brand also can’t be discounted. Apple has a powerful and potentially fragile consumer brand, and the data center in North Carolina was a major push for Apple to move more heavily into cloud services. A record for the largest privately owned solar farm in the U.S. could add significant branding capital to a brand trying to stay on top. — Katie Fehrenbacher, senior writer & features editor, GigaOM