“The genie is out of the bottle.”
– Bill Bodin, CTO for mobility, IBM, referring to security problems after IBM’s adoption of the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) model
“Strategically [Ariba is] a valuable asset and would disadvantage Oracle if SAP were to close the deal, so I can see a case for why Oracle would feel the need to enter into the bidding to protect its own potential growth opportunities.”
– Richard Williams, analyst, Cross Research
“What is becoming clear in this information age is that the tools being developed to analyze the plethora of data being collected are incredibly valuable to businesses. These tools break BIG data down to manageable pieces – this will shift our thinking so that the term Big will become redundant. All data will be BIG!”
– Diane Hays, PhD
“Markets come and go, good companies survive. The price of Facebook stock is not that important.”
– Fred Wilson, Union Square Ventures founder and former Twitter board member
“[S]pecialized software will replace specialized hardware throughout the data center. … Today’s data center is almost a history museum of past IT ideas.”
– Steve Herrod, CTO, VMware
“[The cloud] is interesting but not dramatic. It hasn’t replaced private storage by any means. Most of the volume is being driven by consumer services. Enterprise use is being driven by test and dev. People go, ‘It’s an easy way to experiment, but they don’t really do anything serious there.”
– Pat Gelsinger, president and COO, EMC
“People will take you more seriously as a startup for having gone through the process. It may sound like a pain in the butt to do the patent thing, but I think the coming years we will see stronger assertion of IP in the app market in a big way.”
– Ray Sharma, founder and CEO, XMG Studio