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Notable quotes about Google, Salesforce, mobile disrupters and others in the software industry ecosystem

By October 27, 2014Uncategorized


BPM software has ‘nowhere to go’ – says leading BPM software company” 

Software Industry Sees Rise in M&A Value


Ex-IBMers Launch Watson-Based Cognitive Scale … Cognitive Scale’s cognitive cloud platform, called Insights Fabric, delivers insights-as-a-service and accelerates the creation of cognitive applications in health care, retail, travel and financial services. Insights Fabric is a portable, open cognitive cloud platform that accelerates value from a company’s existing investments in big data. It does this by extracting patterns and insights from dark data sources that are almost totally opaque today. This includes information found in databases, devices, blogs, reviews, emails, social media, images and other unstructured data sources.

The Next Mobile Disrupter is Close … [T]he real impact of self-driving vehicles is the disruption of our existing personal and societal beliefs and the reorganization of established business assumptions in many industries. At the same time, self-driving vehicles will enable radically new digital business opportunities, such as personal delivery services that utilize a consumer’s driverless vehicle to transport packages between two businesses. — Thilo Koslowski, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner


In about a year Google bought eight robotics companies. No one knows what they are doing. For sure, it’s not connected with cars …. They may be trying to build a core operating system for robots, but that’s just a guess. They have collected some of the best minds in the field. — Ken Goldberg, professor at University of California, Berkeley

For seven years, we’ve been held hostage to two kinds of disruption. One courtesy of Wall Street; the other from Silicon Valley. They make for an excellent good cop/bad cop routine: the former preaches scarcity and austerity while the other celebrates abundance and innovation. They might appear distinct, but each feeds off the other. — Evgeny Morozov, contributing editor to magazine “Foreign Policy” and author of “Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom”

I think that if you’re not already spending a lot of capital in the order of four or five billion dollars each year to just grow your cloud, probably it’s a little too late to enter the market. I mean, that’s the entry barrier, and there are a few of us who are in that mega-scale of cloud. — Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft has been operating in the cloud since before there was a “cloud.”’s hosted, customer relationship management tool, or CRM, was introduced in 1999 by co-founder and current CEO Marc Benioff. At the time, Benioff’s vision of an off-site, enterprise-wide CRM was nothing short of revolutionary, and here we are 15 years later with tech leaders like Microsoft changing their entire business model to focus on cloud computing. — Tim Brugger, writer for The Motley Fool

The biggest problem [with the chaos in the Internet of Things] is extending the network as there are so many opportunities for intrusions. We have different standards in the network for security and different standards on the device, so trying to bring standards together and taking it all the way down to micro controller level is really a huge challenge. — Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst, Tirias Research

Microsoft, meanwhile, might actually have the most-compelling internet of things service among the three largest cloud providers. It’s offering up in limited release a service called Azure Intelligent Systems Service, which the company claims will let users not just collect, store and process device data, but also connect devices and services and even manage them. It seems probable that AWS and Google will eventually release similar services of their own. — Derrick Harris, senior writer, Gigaom