Location: Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR
Register by June 7 for the Early Price https://en.oreilly.com/oscon2012/public/register
Now in its 14th year, OSCON is the best place on the planet to prepare for what comes next, from learning new skills to understanding how new and emerging open source technologies are going to impact how we live, work, and do business. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an open source rock star or programmer by day/rock star by night, or somewhere in between–OSCON is a meeting of like minds. If you work with open source, you’ll want to be here.
With more than a dozen tracks and hundreds of sessions, you’ll find practical tutorials, inspirational keynotes, and a wealth of information on open source languages, platforms, and development. Plus, OSCON offers fabulous networking events, the best “hallway track” around, and an Expo Hall that’s both entertaining and worthwhile.
OSCON 2012 tracks include: Cloud, Community, Data, Healthcare, Java and JVM Languages, Javascript and HTML5, Mobile Ops, Perl, PHP, Python, UX, and more.
For more information: http://www.oscon.com/oscon2012