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Are There Any Proven Mobility Strategies?

By May 18, 2011Article

According to Government Technology, the number of employees using smartphones for work purposes will nearly double between 2009 and 2014. Workforces are adopting mobile applications faster than their companies, driving employers to meet many new demands of a connected workplace. The time of mobilization has arrived.
The mobilization of business is not only about creating mobile versions of legacy desktop applications, but also updating business processes, opening access to back-office functions and developing mobile-specific applications. Benefits of mobilization include more timely and informed decision making through real-time data access, improved overall business efficiency, and reduced call-center costs.
Mobilization often differentiates a business, allowing companies to enter and win competitive markets.
Mobilization is a vital step for companies in industries with predominate mobile workforces such as healthcare, insurance, education and software. For such enterprises to take advantage of the benefits of mobilization you need a comprehensive mobility strategy that defines your current conditions, as well as your short, mid- and long-term goals.
The first step in mobilizing a company is adoption of a mobilization strategy and process to assure mobilization not only meets, but enhances your company’s goals and objectives. Based on extensive experience and industry best practices, we have created a comprehensive guide to help you address some of the toughest mobility issues and explore mobilization opportunities allowing you to differentiate your business and win competitive markets.
The just-published The Proven Mobilization Strategy: Your Framework for Success white paper describes:

  • The multiple advantages of mobilization to your organization and workforce
  • Key considerations for a successful mobilization strategy
  • An industry proven approach to employing mobility throughout an enterprise deployed by mobility leaders
  • The efficient combination of industry standard mobility processes and a leading innovative framework to create an ideal mobilization strategy.

Read more in the free white paper.
Roman Fihel is Mobility Consultant at SoftServe, a leading global provider of proven high-quality software development, testing and consulting services.