”I have never seen anybody patent their way to success. ‘I don’t think [the patent system] is damaging innovation, nor is it helping innovation. Frankly, if you are a small company starting out, you would file a patent and it costs about $US1000. It takes about five years and $US15,000 to actually get the patent. And in the meantime – five years is a long time – either the company has died, which is most likely, or it has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams.”
– Guy Kawasaki, venture capitalist and former Apple evangelist
“Running a start-up is like eating glass.”
– Sean Parker, former hacker and Silicon Valley legend
“[CEO Larry Ellison is] kind of like the last of the Mohicans. He relishes a challenge. I think he’s the happiest when the sabers are crossing.”
– Richard Davis, analyst with investment bank Canaccord Genuity
“We believe HP’s pace of investment is too low to close the competitive gap.”
– Chris Whitmore, Deutsche Bank
“[The lack of qualified U.S. hires for 120,000 computer-related jobs in each of the next 10 years is] a problem that’s approaching dimensions of a genuine crisis.”
– Brad Smith, executive vice president and general counsel, Microsoft
“When you look at what this community has done to innovate and make cloud technologies accessible, as well as make open source synonymous with cloud computing, you understand why huge technology industry leaders and users across the world are placing their bets on OpenStack. The opportunity for OpenStack to become the open source standard for cloud computing is real.”
– Jonathan Bryce, executive director, OpenStack Foundation