Article January 30, 2017 How big data is influencing the medical cannabis industry How is big data impacting the medical cannabis industry and how could it potentially change… ksgoolsby Love0
Article January 10, 2017 Q&A with veteran CEO Paul Brady about security and business continuity solutions The CEO of Unitrends, which provides enterprise cloud-empowered business-continuity solutions, discusses trends in business continuity… Di Freeze, Editor Love0
Article December 13, 2016 How cloud impacts the future of pricing models and data compliance How is the evolving sophistication of backup and recovery technology and cloud making it possible… Di Freeze, Editor Love0
Article November 29, 2016 Collaborative cloud-based sourcing software will optimize business performance in 2017 This article discusses why 2017 will be a breakthrough year for sourcing, as well as… Di Freeze, Editor Love0
Article October 24, 2016 Big data isn’t always as helpful as we like to think This article discusses how big data can be misunderstood and misused, why it’s prone to… Di Freeze, Editor Love0
Article October 10, 2016 The future of marketing automation software How can marketing technology keep pace with increasing customer expectations and empower brands to respond… Di Freeze, Editor Love0
Article September 27, 2016 Top enterprises use cloud strategic sourcing tech to build impact-driven culture How are organizations that prioritize impact-based strategic-sourcing decisions better positioned to meet goals? Di Freeze, Editor Love0
Article June 20, 2016 Dresner’s Point: Boosting User Adoption is a Critical Success Distinction in Business Intelligence What is the greatest contributor to user adoption? How is “success” in busines intelligence determined?… Di Freeze, Editor Love0
Article April 11, 2016 Here’s What Your Data Breach Incident Response Should Look Like Knowing beforehand what to expect and steps to take will go a long way to… Di Freeze, Editor Love0
Article April 4, 2016 Review Strategies and the Customer Experience What should software companies consider before joining any review site? How can you take a… Di Freeze, Editor Love0