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Notable quotes about Makerbot, Microsoft, Apple and others in the software industry ecosystem

By January 12, 2014Uncategorized

Apple no longer is first in the hearts of American consumers. … Microsoft was the only brand in the [Forrester] survey to achieve the coveted trailblazer status — indicating that the Microsoft brand is at the forefront of brand building with a unique and distinct brand identity that sets it apart from other brands. — Tracy Stokes, analyst, Forrester

Five years ago, there was just one 3D printing company at CES; this year, there are 28. … Back in 2009, that lone 3D printing outfit carrying the torch at CES was Brooklyn-based Makerbot. … Today, the company [has] an extra $403 million ….. Not bad for a startup that turned five earlier this month. — Jonathan Anker,

At the end of every Dell briefing, whether there are five or 500 people in the room, Mr. Dell will stand around greeting and chatting with anyone and everyone who wants to chat with him. He never leaves a line before everyone waiting gets the chance to talk with him. By contrast, I have never seen any of the other CEOs of technology companies do the same thing — they are always the first to leave. None of the others seem to have the same customer focus that Dell does. … Good customer service and customer experiences translate into revenue — period. — Stuart Kippelman, Corp VP and CIO, Covanta Energy Corporation

There’s this wonderful circular logic I see at Google, where the saying is, “Don’t be evil.” OK, fine, what’s good? Well, providing information is good. Who provides the information? Google. Oh, what’s good for Google is good for the world. You know, the natural order needs information. And who provides it? Well naturally, Google. — Fred Turner, professor of communications at Stanford

Habitual beliefs and behaviors at an organizational level are so deeply embedded and invisible to participants that they stymie efforts even to recognize problems, never mind take effective action. The bottom line is that no matter how much data you gather or how elaborate the models you generate, Business unIntelligence operates finally, in full glory or gory fullness, in the minds of your customers and business users. — Dr. Barry Devlin, founder of data warehousing industry, authority on business intelligence and former IBM architect and software evangelist

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